
Empowering Safety, Ensuring Tomorrow

RiscSafe is a distinguished leader in safety consulting and training services, committed to delivering meticulously crafted and professional training programs and bespoke safety solutions. Specialising in Safety Consulting & Supervision, emergency response including first aid training, we cater to the unique needs of businesses, film & television, corporations, community organisations and the private sector, with an unwavering focus on excellence and comprehensive preparedness.

About Us

About RiscSafe

Welcome to RiscSafe, where your safety is our priority. As a leading provider in safety, we are dedicated to delivering cutting-edge solutions that mitigate risks and safeguard what matters most. At RiscSafe, we believe in the power of preparedness, and our mission is to empower individuals and businesses to navigate the unpredictable with confidence.

Provide Advanced
First Aid

Prepare for high-risk scenarios with our Advanced First Aid course. Simulate real-life situations to confidently manage emergencies, from multiple casualties to life-threatening conditions. Aligning with legal standards and Australian Resuscitation Council guidelines, this training equips you to coordinate responses, perform CPR, and address advanced conditions until professional help arrives. Learn to document incidents, debrief effectively, and prioritise psychological well-being.

Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Empower yourself to save lives with our CPR course. Learn vital skills aligned with Australian Resuscitation Council guidelines, including AED usage and seamless first aider rotation. Gain the expertise to handle emergencies, convey accurate incident details, and prioritise. your well-being. Act swiftly; be a lifesaver.

Provide basic emergency life support

Be a lifesaver with our comprehensive first aid course! Gain essential skills aligned with legal, workplace, and community standards, following Australian Resuscitation Council guidelines. Covering everything from CPR and defibrillator usage to anaphylaxis and choking, this course ensures you’re well-equipped to handle emergencies. Learn the chain of survival, basic anatomy, and the importance of swift, accurate responses for improved personal skills and well-being.

Our Courses

Provide Advanced
First Aid

Prepare for high-risk scenarios with our Advanced First Aid course. Simulate real-life situations to confidently manage emergencies, from multiple casualties to life-threatening conditions. Aligning with legal standards and Australian Resuscitation Council guidelines, this training equips you to coordinate responses, perform CPR, and address advanced conditions until professional help arrives. Learn to document incidents, debrief effectively, and prioritise psychological well-being.

Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Empower yourself to save lives with our CPR course. Learn vital skills aligned with Australian Resuscitation Council guidelines, including AED usage and seamless first aider rotation. Gain the expertise to handle emergencies, convey accurate incident details, and prioritise. your well-being. Act swiftly; be a lifesaver.

Provide advanced resuscitation
and Oxygen Therapy

Experience an Advanced Resuscitation course aligned with Australian Resuscitation Council guidelines. Ideal for those responsible for first aid, CPR, and oxygen provision in diverse settings. Dive into simulated scenarios, mastering specialized equipment, and gaining expertise in advanced procedures like airway management, hemorrhage control, and safe oxygen administration.

Provide First Aid

Empower yourself with our comprehensive first aid course. Aligned with legal and clinical standards, this training equips you to recognize and respond to emergencies effectively. Covering CPR, defibrillator usage, anaphylaxis, and more, you’ll gain the skills to provide immediate and informed first aid. Learn essential anatomy, the chain of survival, and psychological considerations, ensuring you’re well-prepared for any sudden illness or injury.

Occupational First Aid Skill Set

Designed for current and prospective occupational first aiders, our course adheres to Australian Resuscitation Council guidelines, state/territory Work Health and Safety regulations, and industry best practices. Engage in realistic simulations covering advanced first aid, resuscitation, and oxygen therapy. Learn to develop and implement effective first aid action plans, conduct risk assessments, and ensure workplace safety. Gain hands-on experience in incident debriefing, recognising psychological impacts, and seeking necessary support.

Work safely at heights

This course is tailored for both novice and seasoned professionals mandated to operate safely at heights, particularly in the resources and infrastructure sectors. Participants will navigate diverse height-related risk scenarios, mastering the implementation of safety protocols in compliance with regulations. The curriculum covers risk identification, control measures, interpretation of assessment documentation, and a comprehensive understanding of fall protection equipment. Through practical scenarios, students will install, check, and correctly utilising various safety systems, reinforcing their proficiency in working safely at heights.

Prevent injury

This course serves as a fundamental introduction to safe work practices for personnel involved in incidents, prescribed burns, and emergency management operations. It equips individuals with the skills to identify, mitigate, and report workplace hazards, emphasising personal safety. Tailored for team members working under direct supervision, the curriculum includes the implementation and monitoring of hazard control procedures. Aligned with Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation, Australian/New Zealand standards, and industry codes of practice

Participate in a rescue operation

This competency unit encompasses the skills and knowledge necessary for active participation in rescue operations within a team, serving as a foundation for specialising rescue scenarios. Addressing diverse environments, from industrial to rural and extreme conditions, this unit is relevant to those who have completed induction or recruitment training. Personnel will operate under team supervision, undertaking specific tasks related to rescue operations. This course is designed for individuals in emergency services, volunteer organisations, and associated industries, ensuring compliance with Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation, Australian/New Zealand standards, and industry codes of practice.

Our Courses

Continuity Planning and Recovery

Provide Advanced First Aid

Advanced first aid training equips responders with skills in advanced airway management, hemorrhage control, and specialized medical emergency care, enabling effective lifesaving interventions in critical situations.

Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) involves chest compressions and rescue breaths to maintain blood circulation and oxygenation, crucial for reviving individuals experiencing cardiac arrest.

Provide basic emergency life support

Basic emergency life support involves recognizing emergencies, calling for help, and performing CPR and first aid techniques such as chest compressions and  arrive, significantly improving chances of survival.

Provide First Aid

first aid training equips responders with skills in advanced airway management, hemorrhage control, and specialized medical emergency care, enabling effective lifesaving interventions in critical situations.

Occupational First Aid Skill Set

Occupational first aid skills include assessing workplace injuries, providing immediate care, and stabilizing individuals until further medical assistance is available, ensuring a safe and healthy work environment for employees.

Work safely at heights

Working safely at heights involves using proper fall protection equipment, such as harnesses and guardrails, and adhering to safety protocols to prevent accidents and injuries, ensuring a secure working environment.

Prevent injury

Preventing injury involves identifying potential hazards, implementing safety measures, and promoting awareness and adherence to safety protocols to minimize the risk of accidents and harm in various environments, ensuring the well-being of individuals and maintaining a safe workplace or community.

Participate in a rescue operation

Participating in a rescue operation requires following designated roles, coordinating efforts with team members, and executing rescue techniques effectively to safely extract individuals from hazardous situations, prioritizing their well-being and ensuring a successful outcome.


Recent charity campaigns

Raised Funds 70%
Send children to school for education

Expedita quas, rerum eligendi earum ipsam, aliqua odio montes. Accumsan, quisquam? Reiciendis, ex eaque perfes.






27 Aug, 2021
Raised Funds 85%
Financial help for poor, needy families

Expedita quas, rerum eligendi earum ipsam, aliqua odio montes. Accumsan, quisquam? Reiciendis, ex eaque perfes.






27 Aug, 2021

Fundraising for the people and causes you care about

Providing effective, lifesaving first aid interventions requires instruction and practical training.  This is especially true where it relates to potentially fatal illnesses and injuries, such as those that require cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) or involve severe bleeding. These procedures carry a risk of further injury to the casualty and the first aider.  As with any training, it is more useful if training occurs before being confronted with an actual real-life situation.  


Upcoming events



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Our optimistic volunteer

Jenny Hobbs

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Alison Grey

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William Hobbs

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Mary Smith

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Alison Scott Founder

RiscSafe is a distinguished leader in safety consulting and training services, committed to delivering meticulously crafted and professional training programs and bespoke safety solutions.

William Wright Founder

As a leading provider in safety, we are dedicated to delivering cutting-edge solutions that mitigate risks and safeguard what matters most. At RiscSafe, we believe in the power of preparedness, and our mission is to empower individuals and businesses to navigate the unpredictable with confidence.

Alison Doe Jenny Smith

we cater to the unique needs of businesses, film & television, corporations, community organisations and the private sector, with an unwavering focus on excellence and comprehensive preparedness.


What our happy donors say !!

Specialising in Safety Consulting & Supervision, emergency response including first aid training, we cater to the unique needs of businesses, film & television, corporations, community organisations and the private sector, with an unwavering focus on excellence and comprehensive preparedness.


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